Get to Know Four Important Special Education Laws

May 7, 2024

Antoinette Banks

Pink Flower
Pink Flower
Pink Flower
Pink Flower

Students with exceptionalities need individually planned and systematically delivered teaching techniques.

Special education laws emerged in 1975 to prevent discrimination by public educational institutions against individuals with diagnosed disabilities. As such, there are four special education laws you should familiarize yourself with. 

As a heads up, the language of these laws are outdated, but the laws still offer educational protection for students and family.

  1. Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    The law stated that public schools must provide children with special needs with the same opportunities for education as other children. It also required any public school that received federal funds to provide one free meal a day for these children.

    The mission of this act was to:

    Make special education services accessible to children who require them; maintain fair and appropriate services for disabled students; institute systematic evaluation requirements for special education; and endow federal resources to public schools for the education of disabled students.

  2. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, was created in 1990. This law ensures that special needs students receive appropriate free public education in the least restrictive environment necessary to meet those students' needs. It helps students acquire the extra assistance they need but allows them to participate in the same activities as children without special needs whenever possible.

  3. Individualized Education Plan/Program

    The IDEA maintains that parents and teachers of children who qualify for special education must develop an Individualized Education Program, or IEP, that helps establish specific instruction for a child's exact needs. This requires caregivers to meet initially to determine a child's eligibility for an IEP and come together annually to develop and assess the educational plan.
    The student's educational strategy must be designated in writing. It should include an evaluation and description of the current academic status, measurable goals and objectives, designation of an instructional setting and placement within that setting, and transition services for children aged 16 or older. An IEP gives parents the right to dispute any issues with the school district through a neutral third party.

  4. Students with Disabilities and Postsecondary School

    The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 forbid discrimination in schools based on disability. This applies to colleges and universities as well as elementary, middle, and high schools. Many students with special needs go on to study at the postsecondary level, but the laws are slightly different for postsecondary schools. The law does not require postsecondary schools to provide a free appropriate public education to students. Still, it does oblige schools to offer suitable academic adjustments and accessible housing to students with disabilities.

These laws preserve the rights of students and their families and help integrate students. Although the laws differ slightly from state to state, the acts passed by Congress help to regulate the treatment of students with exceptionalities across the country.



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